Publication Date2019-07
Electroluminescence from h-BN by using Al2O3/h-BN multiple heterostructure
Lee, SH; Jeong, H; Kim, DY, et al
OPTICS LETTERS, v.27, no.14, pp.19692 - 19701
Publication Date2017-01
Gastric Carcinogenesis in the miR-222/221 Transgenic Mouse Model
Choi, B; Yu, J; Han, TS, et al
CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT, v.49, no.1, pp.150 - 160
Publication Date2013-03
Overview of the KoRIA Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Ahn, JK; Bak, SI; Blumenfeld, Y, et al
FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, v.54, no.1-4, pp.197 - 204