Publication Date2019-09
Electronic and vibrational signatures of ruthenium vacancies in Sr2RuO4 thin films
Kim, G; Suyolcu, YE; Herrero-Martin, J, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, v.3, no.9, pp.094802
Publication Date2019-07
Observation of spin-orbit excitations and Hund's multiplets in Ca2RuO4
Gretarsson, H; Suzuki, H; Hoon Kim, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.100, no.4
Publication Date2019-09
Phonon anomalies in pyrochlore iridates studied by Raman spectroscopy
Ueda, K; Kaneko, R; Subedi, A, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.100, no.11, pp.5157
Publication Date2019-02
Pseudospin-lattice coupling in the spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr2IrO4
Porras, J; Bertinshaw, J; Liu, H, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.99, no.8, pp.085125
Publication Date2019-09
Unique Crystal Structure of Ca2RuO4 in the Current Stabilized Semimetallic State
Bertinshaw, J; Gurung, N; Jorba, P, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.123, no.13, pp.137204