Browsing byAuthor : bumseokkyae
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Publication Date2017-06
Hairs of discrete symmetries and gravity
Kang Sin Choi; Jihn E. Kim; Bumseok Kyae, et al
PHYSICS LETTERS B, v.769, pp.430 - 435
Publication Date2016-09
Leptogenesis with high-scale electroweak symmetry breaking and an extended Higgs sector
Laura Covi; Jihn E. Kim; Bumseok Kyae, et al
Physical Review d, v.94, no.6, pp.065004
Publication Date2017-12
The anomalous U(1)anom symmetry and flavors from an SU(5) x SU(5)′ GUT in Z 12−I orbifold compactification
Jihn E. Kim; Bumseok Kyae; Soonkeon Nam
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, v.77, no.12, pp.847