Browsing byKeyword : responsetime
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Publication Date2024-02
Density physics-informed neural networks reveal sources of cell heterogeneity in signal transduction
Hyeontae Jo; Hyukpyo Hong; Hwang, Hyung Ju, et al
Patterns, v.5, no.2
Publication Date2013-09
Effects of carbon nanotubes on electro-optic characteristics in vertically aligned liquid crystal display
Young Jin Lim; Surjya Sarathi; Weiwei Tie, et al
LIQUID CRYSTALS, v.40, no.9, pp.1202 - 1208
Publication Date2020-09
WS2/GeSe/WS2 Bipolar Transistor-Based Chemical Sensor with Fast Response and Recovery Times
Afzal, Amir Muhammad; Iqbal, Muhammad Zahir; Ghulam Dastgeer, et al
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, v.12, no.35, pp.39524 - 39532