Publication Date2023-10
Ceria-vesicle nanohybrid therapeutic for modulation of innate and adaptive immunity in a collagen-induced arthritis model
Sagang Koo; Sohn, Hee Su; Kim, Tae Hee, et al
Nature Nanotechnology, v.18, pp.1502 - 1514
Publication Date2021-01-21
Comparative analysis on the anti-inflammatory/immune effect of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension
Oh, Seyeon; Jang, Albert Y.; Sehyun Chae, et al
Scientific Reports, v.11, no.1, pp.1 - 15
Publication Date2020-08
Dynamic transcriptome analysis unveils key proresolving factors of chronic inflammatory arthritis
Jin-Sun Kong; Ji-Hwan Park; Seung-Ah Yoo, et al
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION, v.130, no.8, pp.3974 - 3986
Publication Date2016-03
GREM1 Is a Key Regulator of Synoviocyte Hyperplasia and Invasiveness
Han, EJ; Yoo, SA; Kim, GM, et al
JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY, v.43, no.3, pp.474 - 485
Publication Date2017-01
Modelling cytokine signalling networks
Daehee Hwang; Wan-Uk Kim
Publication Date2017-11
Therapeutic-Gas-Responsive Hydrogel
Junghong Park; Swapan Pramanick; Dongsik Park, et al
ADVANCED MATERIALS, v.29, no.44, pp.1702859