Publication Date2023-12
Laser Ablation-Capillary Absorption Spectroscopy: A novel approach for high throughput and increased spatial resolution measurements of δ13C in plant-soil systems
Daniel M. Cleary; Linley, Timothy J.; Kriesel, Jason M., et al
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, v.187
Publication Date2016-05
Metabolite-selective hyperpolarized C-13 imaging using extended chemical shift displacement at 9.4 T
Seungwook Yang; Joonsung Lee; Eunhae Joe, et al
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING, v.34, no.4, pp.535 - 540
Publication Date2022-03
Projected reversal of oceanic stable carbon isotope ratio depth gradient with continued anthropogenic carbon emissions
Eun Young Kwon; Axel Timmermann; Tipple, Brett J., et al
Publication Date2021-04
Stable Carbon Isotopes Suggest Large Terrestrial Carbon Inputs to the Global Ocean
Eun Young Kwon; Tim DeVries; Eric D. Galbraith, et al
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, v.35, no.4