Publication Date2019-12
Boundary integral equation method for resonances in gradient index cavities designed by conformal transformation optics
Jung-Wan Ryu; Jinhang cho; Soo-Young Lee, et al
Publication Date2019-08
Oscillation death in coupled counter-rotating identical nonlinear oscillators
Jung-Wan Ryu; Woo-Sik Son; Dong-Uk Hwang
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v.100, no.2, pp.022209
Publication Date2019-07
Splitting of conductance resonance through a magnetic quantum dot in graphene
Myoung, N; Jung-Wan Ryu; Hee Chul Park, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.100, no.4, pp.045427
Publication Date2019-06
Optimization of conformal whispering gallery modes in limaçon-shaped transformation cavities
Jung-Wan Ryu; Cho J.; Kim I., et al
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.9, no.1, pp.8506
Publication Date2019-04
Statistical properties of chaotic microcavities in small and large opening cases
Jung-Wan Ryu; Sang Wook Kim
CHAOS, v.29, no.4, pp.043123
Publication Date2019-02
Flat-band localization and self-collimation of light in photonic crystals
Myoung N.; Hee Chul Park; Ajith Ramachandran, et al
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.9, no.1, pp.2682
Publication Date2018-04
Quantum Transport and Non-Hermiticity on Flat-Band Lattices
Hee Chul Park; Jung-Wan Ryu; Nojoon Myoung
JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, v.191, no.1-2, pp.49 - 60
Publication Date2018-03
Husimi functions at gradient index cavities designed by conformal transformation optics
OPTICS EXPRESS, v.26, no.6, pp.6851 - 6859
Publication Date2017-09
Antiresonance induced by symmetry-broken contacts in quasi-one-dimensional lattices
Jung-Wan Ryu; Nojoon Myoung; Hee Chul Park
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.96, no.12, pp.125421
Publication Date2017-08
Reconfiguration of quantum states in ℘T-symmetric quasi-one-dimensional lattices
Jung-Wan Ryu; Nojoon Myoung; Hee Chul Park
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.7, no.1, pp.8746
Publication Date2017-08
Amplitude death in a ring of nonidentical nonlinear oscillators with unidirectional coupling
Jung-Wan Ryu; Jong-Ho Kim; Woo-Sik Son, et al
CHAOS, v.27, no.8, pp.083119
Publication Date2016-09
Designing whispering gallery modes via transformation optics
Yushin Kim; Soo-Young Lee; Jung-Wan Ryu, et al
NATURE PHOTONICS, v.10, no.10, pp.647 - 652