Publication Date2024-10
Upgrade of the NaI(Tl) crystal encapsulation for the NEON experiment
Choi, J.J.; E.J.Jeon; Kim, J.Y., et al
Journal of Instrumentation, v.19, no.10
Publication Date2024-10
White paper on light sterile neutrino searches and related phenomenology
Acero, M.A.; Arguelles, C.A.; Hostert, M., et al
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, v.51, no.12
Publication Date2023-03
Pulse shape discrimination using a convolutional neural network for organic liquid scintillator signals
Jung, K. Y.; Han, B. Y.; E. J. Jeon, et al
Publication Date2023-03
Exploring coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering using reactor electron antineutrinos in the NEON experiment
Jae Jin Choi; Eun Ju Jeon; Kim, J.Y., et al
European Physical Journal C, v.83, no.3
Publication Date2022-12
Status and Performance of the AMoRE-I Experiment on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Han Beom Kim; Dae Hun Ha; Eun Ju Jeon, et al
JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, v.209, no.5-6, pp.962 - 970
Publication Date2022-12
Alpha backgrounds in the AMoRE-Pilot experiment
Alenkov, V.; Bae, H.W.; Beyer, J., et al
European Physical Journal C, v.82, no.12
Publication Date2022-06
Search for sterile neutrino oscillations using RENO and NEOS data
Atif, Z.; Choi, J.H.; Han, B.Y., et al
Physical Review D, v.105, no.11