Publication Date2023-09
Reinvestigating the Gamow Factor of Reactions on Light Nuclei
Hwang, Eunseok; Ko, Heamin; Heo, Kyoungsu, et al
Astrophysical Journal, v.955, no.1, pp.1 - 7
Publication Date2023-05
Oscillating cosmic evolution and constraints on big bang nucleosynthesis in the extended Starobinsky model
Park, Jubin; Yun, Chae-Min; Cheoun, Myung-Ki, et al
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v.2023, no.5
Publication Date2023-02
An exact solution of the higher-order gravity in standard radiation-dominated era
Yun, Chae-min; Park, Jubin; Cheoun, Myung-ki, et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, v.837
Publication Date2022-10
Comprehensive Analysis of the Neutrino Process in Core-collapsing Supernovae
Ko, Heamin; Dukjae Jang; Cheoun, Myung-Ki, et al
Publication Date2021-11
Dynamical screening effects on big bang nucleosynthesis
Eunseok Hwang; Dukjae Jang; Kiwan Park, et al
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v.2021, no.11
Publication Date2021-06-16
Big Bang nucleosynthesis in a weakly non-ideal plasma
Dukjae Jang; Youngshin Kwon; Kyujin Kwak, et al