Publication Date2024-07
12C+12C Reaction Rates and the Evolution of a Massive Star
Seong, Gwangeon; Kim, Yubin; Kwak, Kyujin, et al
Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, v.57, no.2, pp.115 - 122
Publication Date2024-05
Cluster structure of 3a p states in 13N
Bishop, J.; Rogachev, G.V.; Sunghoon Ahn, et al
Physical Review c, v.109, no.5
Publication Date2023-11
Spectroscopy of Be 13 through isobaric analog states in B 13
Hunt, C.; Sunghoon Ahn; Bishop, J., et al
Physical Review c, v.108, no.5
Publication Date2023-10
Restoring original signals from pile-up using deep learning
Kim, C.H.; Sunghoon Ahn; Chae, K.Y., et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, v.1055
Publication Date2023-08
Study on the application of SiPM to γ ray and charged particle measurement using scintillation crystals
Sunghan Bae; Jongwon Hwang; Sunghoon Ahn, et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v.541, pp.45 - 47
Publication Date2023-08
Development and characterization of new position-sensitive silicon strip detectors
X. Pereira-Lopez; Sunghoon Ahn; Deuk Soon Ahn, et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v.541, pp.134 - 136
Publication Date2023-08
TexAT detector upgrade for 14O(α,p)17F cross section measurement
C. Park; Sunghoon Ahn; Sunghan Bae, et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v.541, pp.221 - 223
Publication Date2023-08
New fast-timing γ-ray detection system in Korea: KHALA
B. Moon; Lee, J.; Jang, Y., et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v.541, pp.253 - 256
Publication Date2023-08
KoBRA Wien filter for low-energy RI beam production and recoil separation
Jongwon Hwang; Sunghoon Ahn; Deuk Soon Ahn, et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v.541, pp.1 - 3
Publication Date2023-08
Recent progress in the construction of KoBRA for low-energy nuclear physics experiments
K. Tshoo; S.J. Pyeun; K.B. Lee, et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v.541, pp.56 - 60
Publication Date2023-07
Performance comparison of various electronics systems for fast-timing measurements using the KHALA LaBr3(Ce) detector array
Lee, J.; Yung Hee Kim; Hong, B., et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v.540, pp.259 - 261
Publication Date2023-07
Development of the STARK detector for nuclear reaction studies
Da Hee Kim; Sunghoon Ahn; Deuk Soon Ahn, et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v.540, pp.30 - 32
Publication Date2023-06
First Observation of the β3αp Decay of O 13 via β -Delayed Charged-Particle Spectroscopy
Bishop, J.; Rogachev, G.V.; S. Ahn, et al
Physical Review Letters, v.130, no.22
Publication Date2023-05
First Direct Measurement Constraining the Ar 34 (α, p) K 37 Reaction Cross Section for Mixed Hydrogen and Helium Burning in Accreting Neutron Stars
Browne, J.; Chipps, K.A.; Schmidt, Konrad, et al
Physical Review Letters, v.130, no.21
Publication Date2023-03
Nuclear physics research at CENS
Ahn, S.; Ahn, D. S.; Kim, S., et al
Publication Date2023-03
Noise signal identification in time projection chamber data using deep learning model
Kim, C.H.; Sunghoon Ahn; Chae, K.Y., et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, v.1048
Publication Date2022-11
α-cluster structure of Ne 18
Barbui, M.; Volya, A.; E. Aboud, et al
Physical Review C, v.106, no.5
Publication Date2022-04
Neutron-upscattering enhancement of the triple-alpha process
Bishop, J.; Parker, C.E.; Rogachev, G.V., et al
Nature Communications, v.13, no.1