Publication Date2024-05
Exploring solar neutrino oscillation parameters with the liquid scintillator counter at Yemilab with a comparison to JUNO
Bakhti, Pouya; Rajaee, Meshkat; Seon-Hee Seo, et al
Physical Review D, v.109, no.9
Publication Date2023-07
In situ measurement of relative attenuation length of gadolinium-loaded liquid scintillator using source data at RENO experiment
H. S. Kim; Kim, S. Y.; Choi, J. H., et al
Publication Date2023-03
Pulse shape discrimination using a convolutional neural network for organic liquid scintillator signals
Jung, K. Y.; Han, B. Y.; E. J. Jeon, et al
Publication Date2022-12
Status and Performance of the AMoRE-I Experiment on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Han Beom Kim; Dae Hun Ha; Eun Ju Jeon, et al
JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, v.209, no.5-6, pp.962 - 970
Publication Date2022-09
IsoDAR@Yemilab: A report on the technology, capabilities, and deployment
Alonso, J.R.; Conrad, J.M.; Winklehner, D., et al
Journal of Instrumentation, v.17, no.9
Publication Date2022-05
Status and perspectives of neutrino physics
Athar, M. Sajjad; Barwick, Steven W.; Brunner, Thomas, et al
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, v.124
Publication Date2022-03
Neutrino physics opportunities with the IsoDAR source at Yemilab
Alonso, J.; Arguelles, C.A.; Bungau, A., et al
Physical Review D, v.105, no.5
Publication Date2020-12
Pulse-shape Discrimination of Fast Neutron Background using Convolutional Neural Network for NEOS II
Jeong, Y; Han, BY; Eun Ju Jeon, et al
JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, v.77, no.12, pp.1118 - 1124
Publication Date2020-05
Theia: an advanced optical neutrino detector
Askins M.; Bagdasarian Z.; Barros N., et al
Publication Date2019-12
Constraint on the solar Δm2 using 4000 days of short baseline reactor neutrino data constraint on the solar Δm2 using ... Hernandez Cabezudo, Parke, and SEO
Hernandez Cabezudo A.; Parke S.J.; Seon-Hee Seo
physical review d, v.100, no.11
Publication Date2019-06
Neutrino-Based Tools for Nuclear Verification and Diplomacy in North Korea
Carr R.; Coleman J.; Danilov M., et al
Science and Global Security, v.27, no.1, pp.15 - 28
Publication Date2019-02
Constraints on the solar Δm2 using Daya Bay and RENO data
Seon-Hee Seo; Parke S.J.
Physical Review d, v.99, no.3, pp.033012
Publication Date2018-11
Neutrino physics for Korean diplomacy
Rachel Carr; Jonathon Coleman; Giorgio Gratta, et al
SCIENCE, v.362, no.6415, pp.649 - 650
Publication Date2018-09
FKPPL Female Scinetist Award