Publication Date2024-07
Extensive Search for Axion Dark Matter over 1 GHz with CAPP’S Main Axion Experiment
Saebyeok Ahn; JinMyeong Kim; Boris I. Ivanov, et al
Physical Review X, v.14, no.3
Publication Date2024-07
Enhanced tunable cavity development for axion dark matter searches using a piezoelectric motor in combination with gears
Andrew K. LEE; Taehyeon. SEONG; Soohyung LEE, et al
Journal of Instrumentation, v.19, no.07
Publication Date2023-07
Search for the Sagittarius tidal stream of axion dark matter around 4.55μeV
Andrew Kunwoo Yi; Saebyeok Ahn; Caglar Kutlu, et al
Physical Review d, v.108, no.2, pp.L021304-1 - L021304-7
Publication Date2023-02
Axion Dark Matter Search around 4.55 μeV with Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnitskii Sensitivity
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Physical Review Letters, v.130, no.7
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Search for Invisible Axion Dark Matter with a Multiple-Cell Haloscope
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