Publication Date2019-11
Stretchable and Reactive Membranes of Metal–OrganicFramework Nanosurfactants on Liquid Droplets Enable Dynamic Control of Self-Propulsion, Cargo Pick-Up, and Drop-Off
Jingjing Wei; Zhijie Yang; Yaroslav I. Sobolev, et al
Advanced Intelligent Systems, v.1, no.7, pp.1900065
Publication Date2018-01
Systems of mechanized and reactive droplets powered by multi-responsive surfactants
Zhijie Yang; Jingjing Wei; Yaroslav I. Sobolev, et al
NATURE, v.553, no.7688, pp.313 - 318
Publication Date2017-11
Interference-like patterns of static magnetic fields imprinted into polymer/nanoparticle composites
Zhijie Yang; Jingjing Wei; Konrad Giżynski, et al