Publication Date2020-01
Cancellation mechanism for the electron electric dipole moment connected with the baryon asymmetry of the Universe
Kaori Fuyuto; Wei-Shu Hou; Eibun Senaha
physical review d, v.101, no.1, pp.011901
Publication Date2019-10
F(R) gravity in the early Universe: Electroweak phase transition and chameleon mechanism
Taishi Katsuragawa; Shinya Matsuzaki; Eibun Senaha
CHINESE PHYSICS C, v.43, no.10, pp.105101
Publication Date2019-09
Radiative corrections to triple Higgs coupling and electroweak phase transition: Beyond one-loop analysis
Eibun Senaha
physical review d, v.100, no.5, pp.055034
Publication Date2019-08
Enhanced Z boson decays as a new probe of first-order electroweak phase transition at future lepton colliders
Fa Peng Huang; Eibun Senaha
physical review d, v.100, no.3, pp.035014
Publication Date2019-06
Electroweak baryogenesis via bottom transport
Eibun Senaha; Tanmoy Modak
physical review d, v.99, no.11, pp.115022
Publication Date2019-02
Revisiting electroweak phase transition in the standard model with a real singlet scalar
Cheng-WeiChiang; Yen-Ting; Eibun Senaha
PHYSICS LETTERS B, v.789, pp.154 - 159
Publication Date2018-01
Standard model with a complex scalar singlet: Cosmological implications and theoretical considerations
Cheng-Wei Chiang; Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf; Eibun Senaha
Physical Review d, v.97, no.1, pp.015005
Publication Date2018-01
Electroweak baryogenesis driven by extra top Yukawa couplings
Kaori Fuyuto; Wei-Shu Hou; Eibun Senaha
PHYSICS LETTERS B, v.776, pp.402 - 406
Publication Date2017-11
On gauge dependence of gravitational waves from a first-order phase transition in classical scale-invariant U(1)′ models
Cheng-Wei Chiang; Eibun Senaha
PHYSICS LETTERS B, v.774, pp.489 - 493