Publication Date2023-11
Spectral response of chirp-dependent femtosecond laser filamentation in air
Yun, Hyeok; Wosik Cho; Sung, Jae Hee, et al
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.83, pp.950 - 956
Publication Date2023-11
Reconstruction of Femtosecond Laser Pulses from FROG Traces by Convolutional Neural Networks
Tóth, István; Gherman, Ana Maria Mihaela; Kovács, Katalin, et al
Photonics, v.10, no.11
Publication Date2023-07
Tailoring octave-spanning ultrashort laser pulses using multiple prisms
Jeong-uk Shin; Wosik Cho; Kyunghoon Yeom, et al
OPTICS EXPRESS, v.31, no.14, pp.22855 - 22862