Publication Date2022-11
Distributionally robust chance-constrained programs with right-hand side uncertainty under Wasserstein ambiguity
Ho-Nguyen, Nam; Kılınç-Karzan, Fatma; Küçükyavuz, Simge, et al
MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING, v.196, no.1-2, pp.641 - 672
Publication Date2022-09
Joint chance-constrained programs and the intersection of mixing sets through a submodularity lens
Kilinc-Karzan, Fatma; Kucukyavuz, Simge; Dabeen Lee
MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING, v.195, no.1-2, pp.283 - 326
Publication Date2022-08
Test Score Algorithms for Budgeted Stochastic Utility Maximization
Dabeen Lee; Vojnovic, Milan; Yun, Se-Young
INFORMS Journal on Optimization, v.5, no.1, pp.27 - 67
Publication Date2022-03
Idealness of k-wise intersecting families
Abdi, A.; Cornuejols, G.; Huynh, T., et al
MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING, v.192, no.1-2, pp.29 - 50
Publication Date2022-03
On a generalization of the Chvátal–Gomory closure
Dash, Sanjeeb; Günlük, Oktay; Dabeen Lee
MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING, v.192, no.1-2, pp.149 - 175
Publication Date2021-12
10주년 유공
Publication Date2021-11
Generalized Chvatal-Gomory closures for integer programs with bounds on variables
Dash, S.; Gunluk, O.; Dabeen Lee
MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING, v.190, no.1-2, pp.393 - 425
Publication Date2021-02
Resistant sets in the unit hypercube
Abdi, Ahmad; Cornuéjols, Gérard; Dabeen Lee
Mathematics of Operations Research, v.46, no.1, pp.82 - 114