Publication Date2025-05
A half-integral Erdős-Pósa theorem for directed odd cycles
Kawarabayashi, Ken-ichi; Kreutzer, Stephan; O-joung Kwon, et al
Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, v.172, pp.115 - 145
Publication Date2025-04
A characterization of graphs of radius-r flip-width at most 2
Chang, Yeonsu; Ko, Sejin; O-joung Kwon, et al
Discrete Mathematics, v.348, no.4
Publication Date2025-02
SymScore: Machine learning accuracy meets transparency in a symbolic regression-based clinical score generator
Olive R. Cawiding; Sieun Lee; Hyeontae Jo, et al
Computers in Biology and Medicine, v.185
Publication Date2025-02
Transcriptomic landscapes of STING-mediated DNA-sensing reveal cellular response heterogeneity
Kong, Ling-Zu; Jang, In-Hwan; Wang, Chunli, et al
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v.288
Publication Date2024-12
Twin-width of random graphs
Ahn, Jungho; Chakraborti, Debsoumya; Kevin Hendrey, et al
Random Structures and Algorithms, v.65, no.4, pp.794 - 831
Publication Date2024-12
On the comparison between phenomenological and kinetic theories of gas mixtures with applications to flocking
Bae, Gi-Chan; Ha, Seung-Yeal; Gyuyoung Hwang, et al
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, v.469
Publication Date2024-12
B7H6 is the predominant activating ligand driving natural killer cell-mediated killing in patients with liquid tumours: evidence from clinical, in silico, in vitro, and in vivo studies
Lee, Sunyoung; Seok Joo Chae; Jang, In-Hwan, et al
EBioMedicine, v.110
Publication Date2024-12
Estimating the distribution of parameters in differential equations with repeated cross-sectional data
Hyeontae Jo; Cho, Sung Woong; Hwang, Hyung Ju
PLoS Computational Biology, v.20, no.12
Publication Date2024-12
On the semiclassical limit of the Schrödinger-Lohe model and concentration estimates
Ha, Seung-Yeal; Gyuyoung Hwang; Kim, Dohyun
Journal of Mathematical Physics, v.65, no.12
Publication Date2024-12
Response to comment on: Toward an optimal contraception dosing strategy
Gavina, Brenda Lyn A.; Aurelio A. de los Reyes V; Olufsen, Mette S., et al
PLoS Computational Biology, v.20, no.12
Publication Date2024-12
Weak Bruhat Interval Modules for Genomic Schur Functions
Kim, Young-Hun; Semin Yoo
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, v.31, no.4
Publication Date2024-12
Less Is More: Machine Learning-Based Shortened Sleep Questionnaires for Efficient Clinical Practice
Eui Min Jeong; Jae Kyoung Kim
Sleep Medicine Research, v.15, no.4, pp.216 - 217
Publication Date2024-11
Accurately predicting mood episodes in mood disorder patients using wearable sleep and circadian rhythm features
Dongju Lim; Jeong, Jaegwon; Yun Min Song, et al
Npj Digital Medicine, v.7, no.1
Publication Date2024-11
On an Induced Version of Menger's Theorem
Kevin Hendrey; Norin, Sergey; Steiner, Raphael, et al
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, v.31, no.4
Publication Date2024-10
SUBTLE: An Unsupervised Platform with Temporal Link Embedding that Maps Animal Behavior
Jea Kwon; Sunpil Kim; Dong-Kyum Kim, et al
International Journal of Computer Vision, v.132, pp.4589 - 4615
Publication Date2024-10
Overcoming bias in estimating epidemiological parameters with realistic history-dependent disease spread dynamics
Hyukpyo Hong; Eom, Eunjin; Lee, Hyojung, et al
Nature Communications, v.15, no.1
Publication Date2024-09
Explicit constructions of Diophantine tuples over finite fields
Kim, Seoyoung; Yip, Chi Hoi; Semin Yoo
Ramanujan Journal, v.65, pp.163 - 172
Publication Date2024-09
Eli Goodman (1933–2021) and Ricky Pollack (1935–2018)
Pach, János; Sharir, Micha; Alon, Noga, et al
Notices of the American Mathematical Society, v.71, no.8, pp.1044 - 1053
Publication Date2024-09
Chromatic number is not tournament-local
Girão, António; Kevin Hendrey; Illingworth, Freddie, et al
Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, v.168, pp.86 - 95
Publication Date2024-08
Killing a Vortex
Thilikos, Dimitrios M.; Sebastian Wiederrecht
Journal of the ACM, v.71, no.4, pp.1 - 56