quantum fluctuation theorem, power measurement, continuous quantum measurement
Publication Date
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, v.17, pp.075018
Work in the paradigm of the quantum fluctuation theorems of Crooks and Jarzynski is determined by
projective measurements of energy at the beginning and end of the force protocol. In analogy to
classical systems, we consider an alternative definition of work given by the integral of the supplied
power determined by integrating up the results of repeated measurements of the instantaneous power
during the force protocol.Weobserve that such a definition of work, in spite of taking account of the
process dependence, has different possible values and statistics from the work determined by the
conventional two energy measurement approach (TEMA). In the limit of many projective
measurements of power, the system’s dynamics is frozen in the power measurement basis due to the
quantum Zeno effect leading to statistics only trivially dependent on the force protocol. In general the
Jarzynski relation is not satisfied except for the case when the instantaneous power operator commutes
with the total Hamiltonian at all times.Wealso consider properties of the joint statistics of powerbased
definition of work andTEMAwork in protocols where both values are determined. This allows
us to quantify their correlations. Relaxing the projective measurement condition, weak continuous
measurements of power are considered within the stochastic master equation formalism. Even in this
scenario the power-based work statistics is in general not able to reproduce qualitative features of the
TEMAwork statistics.