Browsing centerfornanomaterialsandchemicalreactions나노물질및화학반응연구단 byKeyword : adsorption
Showing results 2 to 3 of 3
Publication Date2013-06
Microporous aluminophosphate nanosheets and their nanomorphic zeolite analogues tailored by hierarchical structure-directing amines
Yongbeom Seo; Sungjune Lee; Changbum Jo, et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.135, no.24, pp.8806 - 8809
Publication Date2021-11-17
Postsynthetic Modification of Zeolite Internal Surface for Sustainable Capture of Volatile Organic Compounds under Humid Conditions
Lee, Kang Min; Kim, Nam Sun; Numan, Muhammad, et al
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, v.13, no.45, pp.53925 - 53934