Twisted lattice gauge theory: Membrane operators, three-loop braiding, and topological charge
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- Twisted lattice gauge theory: Membrane operators, three-loop braiding, and topological charge
- Huxford, Joe; Dung Xuan Nguyen; Kim, Yong Baek
Publication Date
- 2024-07
- Physical Review B, v.110, no.3
- (3 + 1)-dimensional topological phases can support loop-like excitations in addition to point-like ones, allowing for nontrivial loop-loop and point-loop braiding statistics not permitted to point-like excitations alone. Furthermore, these loop-like excitations can be linked together, changing their properties. In particular, this can lead to distinct three-loop braiding, involving two loops undergoing an exchange process while linked to a third loop. In this work, we investigate the loop-like excitations in a (3 + 1)-dimensional Hamiltonian realization of Dijkgraaf-Witten theory through direct construction of their membrane operators, for a general finite Abelian group and 4-cocycle twist. Using these membrane operators, we find the braiding relations and fusion rules for the loop-like excitations, including those linked to another loop-like excitation. Furthermore, we use these membrane operators to construct projection operators that measure the topological charge and show that the number of distinct topological charges measured by the 2-torus matches the ground-state degeneracy of the model on the 3-torus, explicitly confirming a general expectation for topological phases. This direct construction of the membrane operators sheds significant light on the key properties of the loop-like excitations in (3 + 1)-dimensional topological phases.
- 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.035117
- 2469-9950
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- Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems(복잡계 이론물리 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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