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Detailed report on the measurement of the positive muon anomalous magnetic moment to 0.20 ppm

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Detailed report on the measurement of the positive muon anomalous magnetic moment to 0.20 ppm
Aguillard, D.P.; Albahri, T.; Allspach, D.; Anisenkov, A.; Badgley, K.; Baeßler, S.; Bailey, I.; Bailey, L.; Baranov, V.A.; Barlas-Yucel, E.; Barrett, T.; Barzi, E.; Bedeschi, F.; Berz, M.; Bhattacharya, M.; Binney, H.P.; Bloom, P.; Bono, J.; Bottalico, E.; Bowcock, T.; Braun, S.; Bressler, M.; Cantatore, G.; Carey, R.M.; Casey, B.C.K.; Cauz, D.; Chakraborty, R.; Chapelain, A.; Chappa, S.; Charity, S.; Chen, C.; Cheng, M.; Chislett, R.; Chu, Z.; Chupp, T.E.; Claessens, C.; Convery, M.E.; Corrodi, S.; Cotrozzi, L.; Crnkovic, J.D.; Dabagov, S.; Debevec, P.T.; Di Falco, S.; Di Sciascio, G.; Donati, S.; Drendel, B.; Driutti, A.; Duginov, V.N.; Eads, M.; Edmonds, A.; Esquivel, J.; Farooq, M.; Fatemi, R.; Ferrari, C.; Fertl, M.; Fienberg, A.T.; Fioretti, A.; Flay, D.; Foster, S.B.; Friedsam, H.; Froemming, N.S.; Gabbanini, C.; Gaines, I.; Galati, M.D.; Ganguly, S.; Garcia, A.; George, J.; Gibbons, L.K.; Gioiosa, A.; Giovanetti, K.L.; Girotti, P.; Gohn, W.; Goodenough, L.; Gorringe, T.; Grange, J.; Grant, S.; Gray, F.; Selcuk Haciomeroglu; Halewood-Leagas, T.; Hampai, D.; Han, F.; Hempstead, J.; Hertzog, D.W.; Hesketh, G.; Hess, E.; Hibbert, A.; Hodge, Z.; Hong, K.W.; Hong, R.; Hu, T.; Hu, Y.; Iacovacci, M.; Incagli, M.; Kammel, P.; Kargiantoulakis, M.; Karuza, M.; Kaspar, J.; Kawall, D.; Kelton, L.; Keshavarzi, A.; Kessler, D.S.; Khaw, K.S.; Khechadoorian, Z.; Khomutov, N.V.; Kiburg, B.; Kiburg, M.; Kim, O.; Kinnaird, N.; Kraegeloh, E.; Krylov, V.A.; Kuchinskiy, N.A.; Labe, K.R.; Labounty, J.; Lancaster, M.; Soohyung Lee; Li, B.; Li, D.; Li, L.; Logashenko, I.; Lorente Campos, A.; Lu, Z.; Lucà, A.; Lukicov, G.; Lusiani, A.; Lyon, A.L.; Maccoy, B.; Madrak, R.; Makino, K.; Mastroianni, S.; Miller, J.P.; Miozzi, S.; Mitra, B.; Morgan, J.P.; Morse, W.M.; Mott, J.; Nath, A.; Ng, J.K.; Nguyen, H.; Oksuzian, Y.; Zhanibek Omarov; Osofsky, R.; Seongtae Park; Pauletta, G.; Piacentino, G.M.; Pilato, R.N.; Pitts, K.T.; Plaster, B.; Počanić, D.; Pohlman, N.; Polly, C.C.; Price, J.; Quinn, B.; Qureshi, M.U.H.; Ramachandran, S.; Ramberg, E.; Reimann, R.; Roberts, B.L.; Rubin, D.L.; Sakurai, M.; Santi, L.; Schlesier, C.; Schreckenberger, A.; Yannis Semertzidis; Shemyakin, D.; Sorbara, M.; Stapleton, J.; Still, D.; Stöckinger, D.; Stoughton, C.; Stratakis, D.; Swanson, H.E.; Sweetmore, G.; Sweigart, D.A.; Syphers, M.J.; Tarazona, D.A.; Teubner, T.; Tewsley-Booth, A.E.; Tishchenko, V.; Tran, N.H.; Turner, W.; Valetov, E.; Vasilkova, D.; Venanzoni, G.; Volnykh, V.P.; Walton, T.; Weisskopf, A.; Welty-Rieger, L.; Winter, P.; Wu, Y.; Yu, B.; Yucel, M.; Zeng, Y.; Zhang, C.
Publication Date
Physical Review D, v.110, no.3, pp.032009-1 - 032009-47
American Physical Society
We present details on a new measurement of the muon magnetic anomaly, aμ=(gμ-2)/2. The result is based on positive muon data taken at Fermilab's Muon Campus during the 2019 and 2020 accelerator runs. The measurement uses 3.1 GeV/c polarized muons stored in a 7.1-m-radius storage ring with a 1.45 T uniform magnetic field. The value of aμ is determined from the measured difference between the muon spin precession frequency and its cyclotron frequency. This difference is normalized to the strength of the magnetic field, measured using nuclear magnetic resonance. The ratio is then corrected for small contributions from beam motion, beam dispersion, and transient magnetic fields. We measure aμ=116592057(25)×10-11 (0.21 ppm). This is the world's most precise measurement of this quantity and represents a factor of 2.2 improvement over our previous result based on the 2018 dataset. In combination, the two datasets yield aμ(FNAL)=116592055(24)×10-11 (0.20 ppm). Combining this with the measurements from Brookhaven National Laboratory for both positive and negative muons, the new world average is aμ(exp)=116592059(22)×10-11 (0.19 ppm). © 2024 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.
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Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research(액시온 및 극한상호작용 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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