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Whole genome sequencing analysis identifies sex differences of familial pattern contributing to phenotypic diversity in autism

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Whole genome sequencing analysis identifies sex differences of familial pattern contributing to phenotypic diversity in autism
Kim, Soo-Whee; Lee, Hyeji; Song, Da Yea; Lee, Gang-Hee; Ji, Jungeun; Park, Jung Woo; Han, Jae Hyun; Lee, Jee Won; Byun, Hee Jung; Son, Ji Hyun; Kim, Ye Rim; Lee, Yoojeong; Kim, Jaewon; Jung, Ashish; Lee, Junehawk; Kim, Eunha; Kim, So Hyun; Lee, Jeong Ho; Satterstrom, F. Kyle; Girirajan, Santhosh; Borglum, Anders D.; Grove, Jakob; Eunjoon Kim; Werling, Donna M.; Yoo, Hee Jeong; An, Joon-Yong
Publication Date
Genome Medicine, v.16, no.1
BioMed Central
Background Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) analyses have found higher genetic burden in autistic females compared to males, supporting higher liability threshold in females. However, genomic evidence of sex differences has been limited to European ancestry to date and little is known about how genetic variation leads to autism-related traits within families across sex.MethodsTo address this gap, we present WGS data of Korean autism families (n = 2255) and a Korean general population sample (n = 2500), the largest WGS data of East Asian ancestry. We analyzed sex differences in genetic burden and compared with cohorts of European ancestry (n = 15,839). Further, with extensively collected family-wise Korean autism phenotype data (n = 3730), we investigated sex differences in phenotypic scores and gene-phenotype associations within family.ResultsWe observed robust female enrichment of de novo protein-truncating variants in autistic individuals across cohorts. However, sex differences in polygenic burden varied across cohorts and we found that the differential proportion of comorbid intellectual disability and severe autism symptoms mainly drove these variations. In siblings, males of autistic females exhibited the most severe social communication deficits. Female siblings exhibited lower phenotypic severity despite the higher polygenic burden than male siblings. Mothers also showed higher tolerance for polygenic burden than fathers, supporting higher liability threshold in females.ConclusionsOur findings indicate that genetic liability in autism is both sex- and phenotype-dependent, expanding the current understanding of autism's genetic complexity. Our work further suggests that family-based assessments of sex differences can help unravel underlying sex-differential liability in autism.
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Center for Synaptic Brain Dysfunctions(시냅스 뇌질환 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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