C. elegans genome-wide analysis reveals DNA repair pathways that act cooperatively to preserve genome integrity upon ionizing radiation

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C. elegans genome-wide analysis reveals DNA repair pathways that act cooperatively to preserve genome integrity upon ionizing radiation
Meier, Bettina; Volkova, Nadezda V.; Wang, Bin; González-Huici, Víctor; Bertolini, Simone; Campbell, Peter J.; Gerstung, Moritz; Anton Gartner
Publication Date
PLoS ONE, v.16, no.10
Public Library of Science
© 2021 Meier et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Ionizing radiation (IR) is widely used in cancer therapy and accidental or environmental exposure is a major concern. However, little is known about the genome-wide effects IR exerts on germ cells and the relative contribution of DNA repair pathways for mending IR-induced lesions. Here, using C. elegans as a model system and using primary sequencing data from our recent high-level overview of the mutagenic consequences of 11 genotoxic agents, we investigate in detail the genome-wide mutagenic consequences of exposing wild-type and 43 DNA repair and damage response defective C. elegans strains to a Caesium (Cs-137) source, emitting γ-rays. Cs-137 radiation induced single nucleotide variants (SNVs) at a rate of ~1 base substitution per 3 Gy, affecting all nucleotides equally. In nucleotide excision repair mutants, this frequency increased 2-fold concurrently with increased dinucleotide substitutions. As observed for DNA damage induced by bulky DNA adducts, small deletions were increased in translesion polymerase mutants, while base changes decreased. Structural variants (SVs) were augmented with dose, but did not arise with significantly higher frequency in any DNA repair mutants tested. Moreover, 6% of all mutations occurred in clusters, but clustering was not significantly altered in any DNA repair mutant background. Our data is relevant for better understanding how DNA repair pathways modulate IR-induced lesions.
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Center for Genomic Integrity(유전체 항상성 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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