Publication Date2021-10-26
Air-Stable and Layer-Dependent Ferromagnetism in Atomically Thin van der Waals CrPS4
Son, Joolee; Suhan Son; Pyeongjae Park, et al
ACS Nano, v.15, no.10, pp.16904 - 16912
Publication Date2023-08
Robust Luttinger Liquid State of 1D Dirac Fermions in a Van der Waals System Nb9Si4Te18
Qirong Yao; Hyunjin Jung; Kijeong Kong, et al
Nano Letters, v.23, no.17, pp.7961 - 7967
Publication Date2024-09
Surface Doping and Dual Nature of the Band Gap in Excitonic Insulator Ta2NiSe5
Siwon Lee; Kyung-Hwan Jin; Hyunjin Jung, et al
ACS Nano, v.18, no.36, pp.24784 - 24791
Publication Date2021-12-22
Twisted van der Waals Josephson Junction Based on a High- TcSuperconductor
Lee, Jongyun; Lee, Wonjun; Kim, Gi-Yeop, et al
Nano Letters, v.21, no.24, pp.10469 - 10477