Publication Date2023-03
A convergent structure-function substrate of cognitive imbalances in autism
Seok-Jun Hong; Mottron, Laurent; Bo-Yong Park, et al
CEREBRAL CORTEX, v.33, no.5, pp.1566 - 1580
Publication Date2023-04
Atypical intrinsic neural timescales in temporal lobe epilepsy
Xie, Ke; Royer, Jessica; Lariviere, Sara, et al
EPILEPSIA, v.64, no.4, pp.998 - 1011
Publication Date2023-03
Long-range functional connections mirror and link microarchitectural and cognitive hierarchies in the human brain
Wang, Yezhou; Royer, Jessica; Bo-Yong Park, et al
CEREBRAL CORTEX, v.33, no.5, pp.1782 - 1798