Publication Date2023-02
Body-Centered-Cubic-Kernelled Ag15Cu6Nanocluster with Alkynyl Protection: Synthesis, Total Structure, and CO2Electroreduction
Guocheng Deng; Jimin Kim; Megalamane S. Bootharaju, et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.145, no.6, pp.3401 - 3407
Publication Date2023-12
Copper Doping Boosts Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction of Atomically Precise Gold Nanoclusters
Guocheng Deng; Hyewon Yun; Megalamane S. Bootharaju, et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.145, no.50, pp.27407 - 27414
Publication Date2024-03
Nanocluster Surface Microenvironment Modulates Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction
Seungwoo Yoo; Suhwan Yoo; Guocheng Deng, et al
Advanced Materials, v.36, no.13
Publication Date2023-10
-SR removal or -R removal? A mechanistic revisit on the puzzle of ligand etching of Au25(SR)18 nanoclusters during electrocatalysis
Sun, Fang; Qin, Lubing; Tang, Zhenghua, et al
Chemical Science, v.14, no.38, pp.10532 - 10546