Publication Date2014-06
Effect of Deposition Temperature on the Formation of Defect Phases in BiFeO3 Thin Films
Byung Chul Jeon; Seung Chul Chae; Tae Dong Kang, et al
JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, v.64, no.12, pp.1849 - 1853
Publication Date2016-12
Manipulation of electronic structure via alteration of local orbital environment in [(SrIrO3)m, (SrTiO3)] (m=1, 2 and \infty) superlattices
So Yeun Kim; Choong Hyun Kim; Luke James Sandilands, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.94, no.24, pp.245113
Publication Date2014-05
Observation of ferroelectricity induced by defect dipoles in the strain-free epitaxial CaTiO3 thin film
Sang Mo Yang; Soon Jae Moon; Tae Heon Kim, et al
CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS, v.14, no.5, pp.757 - 760
Publication Date2014-07
Orbital-Dependent Polaron Formation in the Relativistic Mott Insulator Sr2IrO4
Chang Hee Sohn; Min-Cheol Lee; Hyun Ju Park, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.90, no.4, pp.041105(R)
Publication Date2018-08
Spectroscopic Studies on the Metal–Insulator Transition Mechanism in Correlated Materials
So Yeun Kim; Min‐Cheol Lee; Marie Kratochvilova, et al
ADVANCED MATERIALS, v.30, no.42, pp.1704777
Publication Date2016-05
Thermally activated heavy states and anomalous optical properties in a multiband metal: The case of SrMnSb2
Hyun Ju Park; Luke J. Sandilands; Jungsang You, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.93, no.20, pp.205122