Publication Date2021-03
A Biodegradable Secondary Battery and its Biodegradation Mechanism for Eco-Friendly Energy-Storage Systems
Myeong Hwan Lee; Jongha Lee; Sung-Kyun Jung, et al
Publication Date2022-08
A theoretical framework for oxygen redox chemistry for sustainable batteries
Byunghoon Kim; Song, Jun-Hyuk; Eum, Donggun, et al
Nature Sustainability, v.5, no.8, pp.708 - 716
Publication Date2023-01
Amorphous iron fluorosulfate as a high-capacity cathode utilizing combined intercalation and conversion reactions with unexpectedly high reversibility
Heo, Jaehoon; Jung, Sung-Kyun; Hwang, Insang, et al
Nature Energy, v.8, no.1, pp.30 - 39
Publication Date2022-06
Coupling structural evolution and oxygen-redox electrochemistry in layered transition metal oxides
Highly Cited Paper
Donggun Eum; Byunghoon Kim; Song, Jun-Hyuk, et al
Nature Materials, v.21, no.6, pp.664 - 672
Publication Date2023-11
Design of a trigonal halide superionic conductor by regulating cation order-disorder
Yu, Seungju; Noh, Joohyeon; Kim, Byunghoon, et al
Science, v.382, no.6670, pp.573 - 579
Publication Date2023-02
Effects of cation superstructure ordering on oxygen redox stability in O2-type lithium-rich layered oxides
Donggun Eum; Jang, Ho-Young; Byunghoon Kim, et al
Energy & Environmental Science, v.16, no.2, pp.673 - 686
Publication Date2024-08
Electrochemomechanical failure in layered oxide cathodes caused by rotational stacking faults
Donggun Eum; Park, Sung-O; Jang, Ho-Young, et al
Nature Materials, v.23, pp.1093 - 1099
Publication Date2022-10
High-Energy and Long-Lasting Organic Electrode for a Rechargeable Aqueous Battery
Lee, Myeong Hwan; Kwon, Giyun; Lim, Hyuntae, et al
ACS Energy Letters, v.7, no.10, pp.3637 - 3645
Publication Date2022-01
Multifunctional Interface for High-Rate and Long-Durable Garnet-Type Solid Electrolyte in Lithium Metal Batteries
Lee, Kyeongsu; Han, Sangwook; Lee, Jeongmin, et al
ACS ENERGY LETTERS, v.7, no.1, pp.381 - 389
Publication Date2023-11
Redox mediators for oxygen reduction reactions in lithium-oxygen batteries: governing kinetics and its implications
Ko, Youngmin; Kim, Kyoungoh; Yoo, Jaekyun, et al
ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, v.16, no.11, pp.5525 - 5533
Publication Date2023-07
Slab gliding, a hidden factor that induces irreversibility and redox asymmetry of lithium-rich layered oxide cathodes
Song, Jun-Hyuk; Yu, Seungju; Kim, Byunghoon, et al
Nature communications, v.14, no.1
Publication Date2024-02
Structurally robust lithium-rich layered oxides for high-energy and long-lasting cathodes
Jang, Ho-Young; Donggun Eum; Cho, Jiung, et al
Nature Communications, v.15, no.1