Browsing byAuthor : shin,hyeyoung
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Publication Date2021-09-03
Catalytic Interplay of Ga, Pt, and Ce on the Alumina Surface Enabling High Activity, Selectivity, and Stability in Propane Dehydrogenation
Kwon, Han Chang; Park, Younghwan; Jeong Young Park, et al
ACS Catalysis, v.11, no.17, pp.10767 - 10777
Publication Date2022-11
Synergistic bimetallic CuPd oxide alloy electrocatalyst for ammonia production from the electrochemical nitrate reaction
Jung, Wonsang; Jeong, Jaewoo; Chae, Younghyun, et al
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, v.10, no.44, pp.23760 - 23769