Publication Date2024-04
Construction of Seven-Membered Oxacycles Using a Rh(I)-Catalyzed Cascade C-C Formation/Cleavage of Cyclobutenol Derivatives
Ham, Jin Su; Mina Son; Na, Christina G., et al
The Journal of Organic Chemistry, v.89, no.7, pp.4647 - 4656
Publication Date2023-05
Photo- and Metal-Mediated Deconstructive Approaches to Cyclic Aliphatic Amine Diversification
Soro, David M.; Roque, Jose B.; Rackl, Jonas W., et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.145, no.20, pp.11245 - 11257
Publication Date2021-12-08
Rearrangements of the Chrysanthenol Core: Application to a Formal Synthesis of Xishacorene B
Jones, Kerry E.; Bohyun Park; Doering, Nicolle A., et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.143, no.48, pp.20482 - 20490