Publication Date2018-09
Crystal and Magnetic Structures of La2CoPtO6 Double Perovskite
Sanghyun Lee; Min-Cheol Lee; Yoshihisa Ishikawa, et al
ACS OMEGA, v.3, no.9, pp.11624 - 11632
Publication Date2018-05
Hybridized orbital states in spin-orbit coupled 3d-5d double perovskites studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Min-Cheol Lee; Sanghyun Lee; Won C.J., et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.97, no.12, pp.1 - 7
Publication Date2018-09
Magnetoelastic octahedral breathing mode in the ferrimagnetic L a2CoIr O6 double perovskite
Sanghyun Lee; Min-Cheol Lee; Yoshihisa Ishikawa, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.98, no.10, pp.104409-1 - 104409-8
Publication Date2017-04
Properties of spin-1/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnets CuY2Ge2O8 and CuLa2Ge2O8
Hwanbeom Cho; Marie Kratochvílová; Hasung Sim, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.95, no.14, pp.144404
Publication Date2013-06
Selective Degradation of Host MicroRNAsby an Intergenic HCMV NoncodingRNA Accelerates Virus Production
Sanghyun Lee; Jaewon Song; Sungchul Kim, et al
CELL HOST & MICROBE, v.13, no.6, pp.678 - 690
Publication Date2013-03
Size-controlled synthesis and characterization of CoPt nanoparticles using protein shells
Boi Hoa San; Sanghyun Lee; Sang Hyun Moh, et al
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, v.1, no.10, pp.1453 - 1460
Publication Date2014-10
Structure and spin dynamics of multiferroic BiFeO3
Je-Geun Park; Manh Duc Le; Jaehong Jeong, et al