Publication Date2022-03
Border of the island of inversion: Unbound states in Ne-29
Holl, M.; Lindberg, S.; Heinz, A., et al
Physical Review c, v.105, no.3
Publication Date2023-08
First observation of 28O
Kondo, Y.; Achouri, N.L.; Falou, H. Al, et al
Nature, v.620, no.7976, pp.965 - 970
Publication Date2023-08
Intruder configurations in 29Ne at the transition into the island of inversion: Detailed structure study of 28Ne
Wang, H.; Yasuda, M.; Kondo, Y., et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, v.843
Publication Date2024-10
Low-lying excited states in 62Ge investigated by multinucleon knock-out reaction
Elekes, Z.; Panin, V; Rodriguez, T. R., et al
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, v.51, no.10
Publication Date2024-08
Magicity versus Superfluidity around O 28 viewed from the Study of F 30
Kahlbow, J.; Aumann, T.; Sorlin, O., et al
Physical Review Letters, v.133, no.8
Publication Date2022-06
Observation of a correlated free four-neutron system
Duer, M.; Aumann, T.; Gernhauser, R., et al
Nature, v.606, no.7915, pp.678 - 682
Publication Date2023-07
OEDO-SHARAQ system: Multifaceted performances in low-energy RI production and high-resolution spectroscopy
Michimasa, S.; Chillery, T.; Jongwon Hwang, et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v.540, pp.194 - 198
Publication Date2021-06-23
Pairing Forces Govern Population of Doubly Magic Ca-54 from Direct Reactions
Browne, F.; Chen, S.; Doornenbal, P., et al
Publication Date2024-07
Precise Spectroscopy of the 3n and 3p Systems via the H 3 (t, He 3)3n and He 3 (He 3, t)3p Reactions at Intermediate Energies
Miki, K.; Kameya, K.; Sakai, D., et al
Physical Review Letters, v.133, no.1
Publication Date2023-09
Shape coexistence in 66Se
Elekes, Z.; Panin, V.; Rodriguez, T.R., et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, v.844
Publication Date2024-08
Spectroscopy of deeply bound orbitals in neutron-rich Ca isotopes
Li, P.J.; Lee, J.; Doornenbal, P., et al
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, v.855