Publication Date2023-06
A dorsomedial prefrontal cortex-based dynamic functional connectivity model of rumination
Jungwoo Kim; Andrews-Hanna, Jessica R.; Eisenbarth, Hedwig, et al
Nature Communications, v.14, no.1
Publication Date2022-02
Effect sizes and test-retest reliability of the fMRI-based neurologic pain signature
Han, Xiaochun; Ashar, Yoni K.; Kragel, Philip, et al
NeuroImage, v.247
Publication Date2022-03
The Conceptual Building Blocks of Everyday Thought: Tracking the Emergence and Dynamics of Ruminative and Nonruminative Thinking
Andrews-Hanna, Jessica R.; Choong-Wan Woo; Wilcox, Ramsey, et al
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, v.151, no.3, pp.628 - 642