Publication Date2022-08
A theoretical framework for oxygen redox chemistry for sustainable batteries
Byunghoon Kim; Song, Jun-Hyuk; Eum, Donggun, et al
Nature Sustainability, v.5, no.8, pp.708 - 716
Publication Date2022-07
Design of a lithiophilic and electron-blocking interlayer for dendrite-free lithium-metal solid-state batteries
Lee, Sunyoung; Lee, Kyeong-Su; Kim, Sewon, et al
Publication Date2022-10
High-Energy and Long-Lasting Organic Electrode for a Rechargeable Aqueous Battery
Lee, Myeong Hwan; Kwon, Giyun; Lim, Hyuntae, et al
ACS Energy Letters, v.7, no.10, pp.3637 - 3645
Publication Date2023-07
Slab gliding, a hidden factor that induces irreversibility and redox asymmetry of lithium-rich layered oxide cathodes
Song, Jun-Hyuk; Yu, Seungju; Kim, Byunghoon, et al
Nature communications, v.14, no.1