Publication Date2018-07
A missense allele of KARRIKIN-INSENSITIVE2 impairs ligand-binding and downstream signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana
Lee, I; Kim, K; Lee, S, et al
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, v.69, no.15, pp.3609 - 3623
Publication Date2019-03
Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations of massive Dirac fermions in a Dirac antiferromagnet SrMnSb2
Jung Sang You; Lee, I; Choi, ES, et al
CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS, v.19, no.3, pp.230 - 235
Publication Date2018-01
TAF15b, involved in the autonomous pathway for flowering, represses transcription of FLOWERING LOCUS C
Hyunjoo Eom; Park, SJ; Kim, MK, et al
PLANT JOURNAL, v.93, no.1, pp.79 - 91