Publication Date2023-01
Complex ligand adsorption on 3D atomic surfaces of synthesized nanoparticles investigated by machine-learning accelerated ab initio calculation
Kang, Dohun; Sungin Kim; Junyoung Heo, et al
Nanoscale, v.15, no.2, pp.532 - 539
Publication Date2023-07
Moisture-Induced Degradation of Quantum-Sized Semiconductor Nanocrystals through Amorphous Intermediates
Ma, Hyeonjong; Sungsu Kang; Lee, Seunghan, et al
ACS NANO, v.17, no.14, pp.13734 - 13745
Publication Date2021-11-10
Wafer-Scale Production of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides and Alloy Monolayers by Nanocrystal Conversion for Large-Scale Ultrathin Flexible Electronics
Jihoon Kim; Hyojin Seung; Dohun Kang, et al
Nano Letters, v.21, no.21, pp.9153 - 9163