Publication Date2023-01
Coexistence of random singlets and disordered Kitaev spin liquid in H3LiIr2O6
Lee, Chanhyeon; Suheon Lee; Choi, Youngsu, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.107, no.1
Publication Date2024-03
One-ninth magnetization plateau stabilized by spin entanglement in a kagome antiferromagnet
Jeon, Sungmin; Dirk Wulferding; Choi, Youngsu, et al
Nature Physics, v.20, pp.435 - 441
Publication Date2023-06
Random singlets in the s=5/2 coupled frustrated cubic lattice Lu3Sb3Mn2O14
Lee, Chanhyeon; Suheon Lee; Kim, Heung-Sik, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.107, no.21
Publication Date2024-01
Random-singlet-like state emergent in s = 5/2 frustrated cubic lattice
Lee, Chanhyeon; Lee, Sang-Kwon; Suheon Lee, et al
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.84, pp.151 - 157