Publication Date2016-02
An order/disorder/water junction system for highly efficient co-catalyst-free photocatalytic hydrogen generation
Zhang, K; Luyang Wang; Kim, JK, et al
ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, v.9, no.2, pp.499 - 503
Publication Date2014-03
Electroluminescence from Graphene Quantum Dots Prepared by Amidative Cutting of Tattered Graphite
Kwon, W; Kim, YH; Lee, CL, et al
NANO LETTERS, v.14, no.3, pp.1306 - 1311
Publication Date2016-07
Radiation pressure acceleration of protons to 93 MeV with circularly polarized petawatt laser pulses
I Jong Kim; Ki Hong Pae; Il Woo Choi, et al
PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, v.23, no.7, pp.070701