Publication Date2020-07
Coherent many-body exciton in van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3
Highly Cited Paper
Soonmin Kang; Kangwon Kim; Beom Hyun Kim, et al
NATURE, v.583, no.7818, pp.785 - 789
Publication Date2019-08
Directed self-assembly of a helical nanofilament liquid crystal phase for use as structural color reflectors
Dong Ki Yoon; Teun-Teun Kim; Taewoo Ha, et al
NPG ASIA MATERIALS, v.11, no.1, pp.45
Publication Date2020-11
Security use of the chiral photonic film made of helical liquid crystal structures
Wongi Park; Taewoo Ha; Taek Sun Jung, et al
Nanoscale, v.12, no.42, pp.21629 - 21634
Publication Date2019-03
Single-crystalline Cu2O thin films of optical quality as obtained by the oxidation of single-crystal Cu thin films at low temperature
Taewoo Ha; Inhee Park; Kyung Ik Sim, et al
APL MATERIALS, v.7, no.3, pp.031115