Publication Date2020-07
Excessive Astrocytic GABA Causes Cortical Hypometabolism and Impedes Functional Recovery after Subcortical Stroke
Nam M.-H.; Cho J.; Kwon D.-H., et al
CELL REPORTS, v.32, no.1, pp.107861-1 - 107861-14
Publication Date2020-06
High-throughput single-molecule imaging system using nanofabricated trenches and fluorescent DNA-binding proteins
Kang Y.; Cheon N.Y.; Cha J., et al
BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING, v.117, no.6, pp.1640 - 1648
Publication Date2016-06
Scaffold-like titanium nitride nanotubes with a highly conductive porous architecture as a nanoparticle catalyst support for oxygen reduction
Heejong Shin; Kim H.-I.; Dong Young Chung, et al
ACS CATALYSIS, v.6, no.6, pp.3914 - 3920