Publication Date2022-06
Coupling structural evolution and oxygen-redox electrochemistry in layered transition metal oxides
Highly Cited Paper
Donggun Eum; Byunghoon Kim; Song, Jun-Hyuk, et al
Nature Materials, v.21, no.6, pp.664 - 672
Publication Date2022-10
High-Energy and Long-Lasting Organic Electrode for a Rechargeable Aqueous Battery
Lee, Myeong Hwan; Kwon, Giyun; Lim, Hyuntae, et al
ACS Energy Letters, v.7, no.10, pp.3637 - 3645
Publication Date2022-10
Reconfiguring Sodium Intercalation Process of TiS2 Electrode for Sodium-Ion Batteries by a Partial Solvent Cointercalation
Park, Jooha; Kim, Sung Joo; Lim, Kyungmi, et al
ACS ENERGY LETTERS, v.7, no.10, pp.3718 - 3726