Publication Date2018-11
Measurement of Reactor Antineutrino Oscillation Amplitude and Frequency at RENO
Bak, G; Choi, JH; Jang, HI, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.121, no.20, pp.201801
Publication Date2016-05
Migration mechanism of a GaN bicrystalline grain boundary as a model system
Lee, SB; Yoo, SJ; Young-Min Kim, et al
Publication Date2020-12
Pulse-shape Discrimination of Fast Neutron Background using Convolutional Neural Network for NEOS II
Jeong, Y; Han, BY; Eun Ju Jeon, et al
JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, v.77, no.12, pp.1118 - 1124