Publication Date2019-10
Effect of Hot-Electron Injection on the Excited-State Dynamics of a Hybrid Plasmonic System Containing Poly(3-hexylthiophene)-Coated Gold Nanoparticles
Dongki Lee; Sung Hyuk Kim; Se Kyo Han, et al
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, v.123, no.43, pp.26564 - 26570
Publication Date2019-10
Extremely Broadband Topological Surface States in a Photonic Topological Metamaterial
Minkyung Kim; Wenlong Gao; Dasol Lee, et al
ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS, v.7, no.20, pp.1900900
Publication Date2017-11
Singlet Exciton Delocalization in Gold Nanoparticle-Tethered Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Nanofibers with Enhanced Intrachain Ordering
Dongki Lee; Dong Hun Sin; Sang Woo Kim, et al
MACROMOLECULES, v.50, no.21, pp.8487 - 8496