Publication Date2023-03
KIR+CD8+ and NKG2A+CD8+ T cells are distinct innate-like populations in humans
Choi, S.J.; Koh, J.-Y.; Rha, M.-S., et al
Cell Reports, v.42, no.3
Publication Date2023-08
Paricle identification at VAMOS++ with machine learning techniques
Y. Cho; Yung Hee Kim; Choi, S., et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v.541, pp.240 - 242
Publication Date2024-06
The cosmic ray energetics and mass for the international space station (ISS-CREAM) instrument
Yoon, Y. S.; Amare, Y.; Angelaszek, D., et al