Publication Date2018-11
Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition Using Si Precursors as Inhibitors
Rizwan Khan; Bonggeun Shong; Byeong Guk Ko, et al
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, v.30, no.21, pp.7603 - 7610
Publication Date2017-01
Seamlessly Conductive 3D Nanoarchitecture of Core–Shell Ni-Co Nanowire Network for Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution
Seok-Hu Bae; Ji-Eun Kim; Hyacinthe Randriamahazaka, et al
ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, v.7, no.1, pp.1 - 11
Publication Date2020-09
Skin-attachable and biofriendly chitosan-diatom triboelectric nanogenerator
Jong-Nam Kim; Jeehee Lee; Tae Won Go, et al
NANO ENERGY, v.75, pp.104904
Publication Date2020-01
Surface Energy Change of Atomic-Scale Metal Oxide Thin Films by Phase Transformation
Il-Kwon Oh; Li Zeng; Jae-Eun Kim, et al
ACS NANO, v.14, no.1, pp.676 - 687