Publication Date2017-06
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockout screens and target identification via whole-genome sequencing uncover host genes required for picornavirus infection
Heon Seok Kim; Kyungjin Lee; Sangsu Bae, et al
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, v.292, no.25, pp.10664 - 10671
Publication Date2015-03
Digenome-seq: Genome-wide profiling of CRISPR-Cas9 off-target effects in human cells
Highly Cited Paper
Daesik Kim; Sangsu Bae; Jeongbin Park, et al
NATURE METHODS, v.12, no.3, pp.237 - 243
Publication Date2015-07
Efficient PRNP deletion in bovine genome using gene-editing technologies in bovine cells
WooJae Choi; Eunji Kim; Soo-Young Yum, et al
PRION, v.9, no.4, pp.278 - 291