Publication Date2023-10
An integrated online radioassay data storage and analytics tool for nEXO
Tsang, R.H.M.; Piepke, A.; Al, Kharusi S., et al
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, v.1055
Publication Date2022-07
Development of a 127Xe calibration source for nEXO
Lenardo, B.G.; Hardy, C.A.; Tsang, R.H.M., et al
Journal of Instrumentation, v.17, no.7
Publication Date2022-12
Performance of novel VUV-sensitive Silicon Photo-Multipliers for nEXO
Gallina, G.; Guan, Y.; Retiere, F., et al
European Physical Journal C, v.82, no.12