Publication Date2018-04
Cross-linked poly(vinylidene fluoride-cohexafluoropropene) (PVDF-co-HFP) gel polymer electrolyte for flexible li-ion battery integrated with organic light emitting diode (OLED)
Ilhwan Kim; Bong Sung Kim; Seunghoon Nam, et al
MATERIALS, v.11, no.4, pp.543
Publication Date2019-04
Highly Efficient Nanocarbon Coating Layer on the Nanostructured Copper Sulfide-Metal Organic Framework Derived Carbon for Advanced Sodium-Ion Battery Anode
Chiwon Kang; Yongwoo Lee; Ilhwan Kim, et al
MATERIALS, v.12, no.8, pp.1324
Publication Date2018-02
In situ fabrication of a graphene-coated three-dimensional nickel oxide anode for high-capacity lithium-ion batteries
Chiwon Kang; Eunho Cha; Sang Hyub Lee, et al
RSC ADVANCES, v.8, no.14, pp.7414 - 7421
Publication Date2019-05
Ultra-Thin ReS2 Nanosheets Grown on Carbon Black for Advanced Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes
Yaping Yan; Kyeong-Youn Song; Minwoo Cho, et al
MATERIALS, v.12, no.9, pp.1563