Publication Date2022-10
Experimental study of closed and open microwave waveguide graphs with preserved and partially violated time-reversal invariance
Weihua Zhang; Zhang, Xiaodong; Che, Jiongning, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v.106, no.4
Publication Date2024-12
Experimental test of an extension of the Rosenzweig-Porter model to mixed integrable-chaotic systems experiencing time-reversal invariance violation
Xiaodong Zhang; Che, Jiongning; Barbara Dietz
Chinese Physics B, v.33, no.12
Publication Date2023-10
Experimental test of the Rosenzweig-Porter model for the transition from Poisson to Gaussian unitary ensemble statistics
Zhang, Xiaodong; Weihua Zhang; Che, Jiongning, et al
Physical Review e, v.108, no.4
Publication Date2022-07
Fluctuation properties of the eigenfrequencies and scattering matrix of closed and open unidirectional graphs with chaotic wave dynamics
Che, Jiongning; Zhang, Xiaodong; Weihua Zhang, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v.106, no.1