Publication Date2013-01
Enhanced Electrical Potential of Thermoelectric Power Waves by Sb2Te3-Coated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Arrays
Hong, Seunghyun; Kim, Wonyoung; Jeon, Seong-Jae, et al
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, v.117, no.2, pp.913 - 917
Publication Date2021-09
In-situ reduced non-oxidized copper nanoparticles in nanocomposites with extraordinary high electrical and thermal conductivity
Muhammed, Ajmal C.; Benny, Aby Paul; Jeon, Wonjae, et al
Materials Today, v.48, pp.59 - 71
Publication Date2022-03
Non-oxidized bare copper nanoparticles with surface excess electrons in air
Chung, Kyungwha; Bang, Joonho; Athira Thacharon, et al
Nature Nanotechnology, v.17, no.3, pp.285 - 291